How to install windows 11 on virtual machine

There are a great deal of practical reasons to set up an OS like Windows 10 in a VM rather than using it as a native installation. If you have to handle files you can’t trust, need to check multiple OS installations on the same system, or need access to the os without wishing to use it as a daily motorist, utilizing it a VM provides access to its features and capabilities without worrying about requiring to keep the OS installation around long-term. Luckily, setting up Windows 11 in a VM isn’t particularly difficult.

Note: While this guide utilizes VirtualBox, it is not the only free VM software application offered. VMWare Workstation Player is another choice. On Mac, there are services like VMWare Fusion and Parallels, however, VMWare Fusion has no near-term plans to support x86 architecture VMs on M1 options. Parallels has explicitly delivered software application that does assistance x86 VMs on M1 systems.VMWare has actually revealed that Linux, not Windows, is its top priority as far as Mac support is worried.

VirtualBox Installation

1. Download the Windows 10 ISO

Off, head over to the Windows 10 download page. If you are a Windows user, MS will trigger you to download the Media Creation Tool prior to permitting you to download an OS image. You can use this tool to produce an ISO file locally, or you can follow these additional guidelines if you want to download the ISO manually without being forced to grab the tool initially.

New VM

2. Create a brand-new virtual device

Go to the VirtualBox site, and download the current version of Oracle’s totally free, open source software. Go through the setup procedure, and then launch the application. Press the “New” button, and call your virtual machine. Make sure your “Type” is set to “Microsoft Windows,” and your “Version” is set to “Windows 10.” Just make sure you match the x64 variation with a 64-bit VM, and the x86 version with a 32-bit VM.

Memory Size

3. Designate RAM

Now, you need to decide just how much RAM you want to designate for this VM. For the x86 version, you’ll require at least 1GB of RAM. For the x64 variation, you’ll need 2GB. I have 16GB of RAM in my desktop, so I decided that 4GB was right for my configuration. Whatever you choose, just make sure you remain in the green. If you designate excessive RAM, you’ll wind up with severe performance problems.

Virtual Drive

4. Develop a virtual drive

Next, you need to develop a virtual drive. Microsoft states that 16GB is the minimum area needed for the 32-bit variation, however 20GB is required for the 64-bit version. I decided on a 50GB virtual drive on my desktop, however feel free to make it as big as you need. Simply make sure that you have sufficient space on your actual hard disk to deal with the size of your virtual drive. Depending on what you intend to do with the OS, you might wish to allocate more or less storage. Applications installed to a VM must be assumed to require the very same amount of “genuine” storage that their basic setups would.


5. Locate the Windows 10 ISO

Now, go into the settings for this virtual device, and navigate to the “Storage” tab. Click the disc icon with a green plus next to “Controller: SATA.” Click “Choose disk,” and after that find the Windows 10 ISO you downloaded previously.

Video settings

6. Set up video settings

Prior to you jump in and start setting up Windows 10, move over to the “Display” tab. You can configure how much video memory you’re ready to assign to the virtual device, however ensure you remain in the green. You can likewise toggle on 3D acceleration if you like.


7. Introduce the installer

With all of that setup ended up, press the “Start” button in VirtualBox, and start the Windows 10 setup procedure. Follow the directions on the screen, and you’re well on your method.

<h1>VirtualBox Guest Additions</h1>

8. Install VirtualBox visitor additions

When you’re at the Windows 10 desktop, you’ll require to set up all of the proper drivers for VirtualBox. In the VirtualBox UI, go to “Devices,” and then choose “Insert Guest Additions CD image.” Browse to that disc image in Windows Explorer, and run the installer. As soon as you’ve gone through the entire procedure, you’ll require to reboot the VM.

Windows 10 Desktop

9. You’re prepared to rock

Back at the desktop, you can lastly utilize full-screen mode at the proper resolution. In the VirtualBox menu, go to “View,” and select “Switch to Fullscreen.” For the most part, this is now the exact same experience you ‘d have running it natively. Enjoy yourself, and feel free to poke around all the brand-new features.